F71 is a magnetic dirt separator for radiant systems, to be housed directly on the return manifold. It’s compact, easy to install, with a centrifugal and cyclonic operation, it protects the efficiency of the system over time.
It’s produced in technopolymer with glass fiber, specific for plumbing. It resists wear and chemical additives used in heating systems.
What is it ?
It is a useful device for filtering most of the impurities present in the water of the heating system, especially the ferrous ones originating from corrosion.
Laboratory tests have highlighted the particular effectiveness of F71 against particles deriving from radiators connected to a low temperature system.
Why a dirt separator for radiant systems ?
The presence of the dirt separator in radiant systems has the objective of preventing the creation of deposits of substances in the system, optimizing its performance.
How the F71 dirt separator is made ?
Compared to a traditional dirt separator, it has offset in-line connections such as to make it compatible with any type of collector on the market.